The "mtein recycles" initiative
Given the huge garbage crisis faced by Lebanon, it is our duty to promote awareness about better waste management and to provide communities with access to recycling services and facilities.
As a community center, we have initiated several actions making sorting at source easier and more accessible.
As a community center, we have initiated several actions making sorting at source easier and more accessible.
sorting station

At Beit Jeddé we are aware of the importance of sorting at source, and more generally of promoting better, more conscious and more sustainable consumption patterns.
To encourage the practice of recycling, we decided in 2019 to install a sorting station in front of Beit Jeddé, where neighbors can deposit their recyclables, which are then collected on a bi-monthly basis.
The recycling bins are provided by Cedar Environmental and are made of recycled materials (ecoboards). All collected items are taken to their facilities and reused or recycled.
To encourage the practice of recycling, we decided in 2019 to install a sorting station in front of Beit Jeddé, where neighbors can deposit their recyclables, which are then collected on a bi-monthly basis.
The recycling bins are provided by Cedar Environmental and are made of recycled materials (ecoboards). All collected items are taken to their facilities and reused or recycled.
recycling of clothes & electronics
Twice yearly we organize a clothing drive and electronics collection at Beit Jeddé, where unwanted items are then donated to NGOs or social enterprises to avoid that they end up in the regular household trash.
We collaborate with Fabricaid, a social enterprise that collects, sorts, and redistributes clothes to disadvantaged communities and with Ecoserv, an NGO that collects e-waste and makes sure it gets disposed of and recycled properly.
We collaborate with Fabricaid, a social enterprise that collects, sorts, and redistributes clothes to disadvantaged communities and with Ecoserv, an NGO that collects e-waste and makes sure it gets disposed of and recycled properly.
awareness raising
With a team of dedicated volunteers, we have led successful door-to-door campaigns in Mtein, raising awareness about the importance of sorting at source and consuming responsibly. We printed and distributed recycling guides to a majority of households in Mtein.
Also, with the help and collaboration of the Municipality of Mtein and Mchikha, a weekly collection service of recyclables was initiated. The recyclables are collected directly from participating households and brought to the Biclean recycling facility in Bikfaya.
Also, with the help and collaboration of the Municipality of Mtein and Mchikha, a weekly collection service of recyclables was initiated. The recyclables are collected directly from participating households and brought to the Biclean recycling facility in Bikfaya.
'how to sort' Videos
Always with the aim of reaching the broadest possible audience in our awareness-raising campaign, we have filmed short videos on how to sort at source, which were then sent to the participating families in Mtein.
Clean-UP DAYs
We organize clean-up days, bringing old and young together around the goal of maintaining a clean environment in and around the village.